Course Specifics
VIDEO chapters
90 Minutes
What Providers Need to Know
Parkinson’s Disease is a progressive, degenerative condition with a profound impact on those diagnosed with it and on those who care for them. It is the second most common neurodegenerative disease after Alzheimer’s, and it is estimated that the number of persons living with PD will double by 2040. This presentation provides a comprehensive overview of Parkinson’s Disease and addresses the following:
Presenter: Anne Muskopf, MS, OTR/L
Anne Muskopf is the Charlotte & Richard Okonow Parkinson’s Family Support Program Director at Jewish Family & Children's Service in Waltham, MA. .
- Overview of motor and non-motor symptoms of PD and impact on daily living
- Diagnosis and progression of the disease and treatments for PD management
- Challenges to mental health and wellness for persons living with PD and their care providers
Presenter: Anne Muskopf, MS, OTR/L
Anne Muskopf is the Charlotte & Richard Okonow Parkinson’s Family Support Program Director at Jewish Family & Children's Service in Waltham, MA. .