Course Specifics
VIDEO chapters
90 Minutes
Ethical and Moral Decision Making
for Care Providers
1.5 CEU
This training will describe specific clinical challenges for clinicians and care providers who manage the elderly, the disabled, the homeless, persons with addiction disorders and other marginalized populations are not always well served by health care and other social welfare systems. It takes a great deal of effort and ingenuity to establish treatment programs, adequate housing support, personal care support, financial support, emotional support, and assistance with maintaining important personal relationships. Clinicians who engage in this practice experience tremendous pressure, disillusionment, ethical dilemmas, frustration, and anxiety.
The purpose of this training is to offer information about the following:
- Understanding basic concepts of work-related stress-exacerbated by the pandemic
- Exploring evolution of stress to moral distress, moral outrage, and moral apathy
- Discussing strategies to prevent and mitigate symptoms of inevitable effects of stress
- Assisting participants to recognize that their work is vitally important
- Affirming that personal provider well-being is paramount to performing optimally
- Sharing techniques to assist in coping professionally, ethically, and effectively
Presenter: Maria Tricarico, RN, BS, MA
Maria Tricarico, RN, BS, MA, served as Chief Nursing Officer, Executive Vice President for Patient Care Services, MDPH Lemuel Shattuck Hospital, Boston.
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